Thursday, December 31, 2009
Those Christmas Tins
Here's such a handy idea for re-purposing those metal Christmas tins that your cookies came in. You can transform them into something that even matches your decor. Take a look:
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Vintage ATC Swap
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Holiday Greetings
Merry Christmas to you all. My wish for you is that it would be filled with love and joy and that you would have great hope for the future. Let us remember this year the "reason for the season" that such a momentous event was marked for all of history when baby Jesus was born. Blessings to you all, Coleen and family
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Art Quilts
Here's a direction that my art has been taking me lately. I've been working with some fun fabric/paper techniques. I don't have anything ready to show you here yet, but when I saw this in the blogosphere I thought I should share it:
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Simple & Free Winter Paper Piecing Patterns
Check out this site for some real cute patterns for you winter scrapbooking:
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Books
Trail Mix, Ukrainian Style
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Prize Giveaway Announcement
Congratulations Tanya Galchevskaya,the winner of our December giveaway. Tanya will receive an package of some beautiful scrapbooking supplies unique to this part of the world. Tanya, send us your address so we can get these out to you.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Winter Skies in Ukraine
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Istanbul, Turkey

Prize Giveaway
Don't forget, sign up between now through the 15th as a follower on Tea On The Terrace or a VintageTerrace2 fan (heart box on the right). Sign up both places for two chances to win. I'll be announcing winner on the 16th. All current followers are included and can up chances by leaving a comment.
Fabulous Felt Flower
Angie from Scrapscene has such a darling felt flower and easy to make. I had to share it as I knew some of you might want to try it. Also, for more craft projects check out the Vintage Terrace Fan Page on the right where the Celtic heart is. Lots of fun crafts there.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Comment/Follower Giveaway
Just for a little fun. Leave a comment on one of our posts to be entered for a prize to be chosen on December 15....a little Christmas early. For two chances to be put in the hat, sign on as a follower with Tea On The Terrace. You who are already followers will automatically be in. Cool, huh! We don't have a big follower list since I just put that gadget on not that long ago, which makes your chances of winning pretty good.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Blog Featured
Angie, from Scrapscene discovered the uniqueness of what we are doing here in Ukriane and put a little feature link on her Newsletter she sends out. That is so cool....thank you Angie. Therefore, we've now had people looking at this blog who might never have stumbled upon it otherwise. She also featured some really cute dolls she made. You can see it all here:
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Faith Scrapbook Class in Ukraine
12 Kid's Christmas Crafts,
If you haven't checked it out yet better look and see what you can do with your kids, school or your Sunday school class. Some real cute things:
Friday, December 4, 2009
Crimea, Ukraine Scrapbooking Class
On Saturday I will be leading a class of deaf ladies in scrapbooking the theme, "Developing Godly Values." Please be in prayer for me and for the ladies and not just for Saturday, but that the Lord would use me to share my heart in such a way that impacts their lives for Christ in an ongoing manner. For that I would be very grateful.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Christmas Crafts
Here's something just lovely you can make for loved ones this Christmas,,,or for yourself:
Monday, November 30, 2009
Kid's Christmas Crafts
Check out this site for some easy kid's crafts for Christmas fun with the grandkids, your kids, or school classmates:
Christmas Mini-Books
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Being Crafty
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Envelope Mini-Album
This basic idea is so easy to do without even following all the details, though I know some like to know each last inch and centimeter. And so so cute. Enjoy
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Women's Conference Crafts
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Amazing Journey of Faith Conference
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Ukrainian Pastor Dies from Flu and Pneumonia
Please pray for Pastor Victor's widow and children in Fastiv, Ukraine. He passed away yesterday after a diagnosis of flu and pneumonia, which got out of control. His brother Stepan is deathly ill, and may follow Victor to join those awaiting in heaven. Pastor Victor was the brother of Nadia, a member of our church in Bucha. Nadia is very active in the children's EE ministry. She is in Fastiv now with her grieving relatives.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Through My Window

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Norah's Blog
Norah does faces. She also does tutorials. She's quite creative. Sometimes I'm just torn between spending time doing art and ministry. I love them both.
Please, as I come to mind this weekend, pray for me. Three of us are leading a women's conference over the weekend with 50 in attendance. Pray for those women who will attend and all the three leaders. I'm combining both loves, ministry and scrapbooking "The Amazing Journey of Faith." That is the title of the conference and the scrapbook. Enjoy Norah.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Guardian at the Gate
Silk Lotus Flower - Threads
There's a beautiful flower to be seen and so easy to make. Just go here for directions.
Silk Lotus Flower - Threads
Posted using ShareThis
Posted using ShareThis
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
10 Days to Glory
Well, not quite, but after 10 days with no gas heat we now have a new heating system that includes hot water. I lingered in the hot shower today and that truly was glorious. Given that we are to reach about 27 degrees Fahrenheit (-5 celcius) tonight I am so thankful that it is finally all working. One thing about being without is how grateful you feel when you achieve something you didn't have. Don't we take a lot for granted? I know I do. And each time the Lord sees fit to remove something from my life and leave me wanting, I hope to remember it is a lesson in gratefulness. I can either complain about my life and what he's given me (or taken away)or I can use it as a lesson to grow. Simple things like heat and electricity are so easy to take for granted, but after going 15 days without electricity once, I try not to do that. So today I am grateful.
Just Lovely
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Practicing a Grateful Spirit
Winter is rapidly approaching and we decide to change the heating system. I did mention doing it last summer, but...... The man who is installing it said we would be at least 4 days without heat. We've been two days so far and all radiators are in but the kitchen. No pipes are run to them as yet. We are upgrading from an old Soviet era dinosaur to a French/German model that is waaayyy more economical and will also heat our water. That means no more hot water tank that ran all the time. Jeff thinks it will pay out in as little as 5 years. Plus we will eventually have an indoor thermostat so I don't have to go to the cold garage at 2 a.m. to regulate the temperature. Am I grateful? Yes, thank you Lord for your provision. Did we ever adapt to the old system after central heat in America? Yes, the the beauty of having to do without something or difficulties is that when they are overcome, they make you so grateful. Try heating with wood and coal as we did our first three years. We had the experience of our great grandparents. That made us so grateful for any gas heat. Now after 15 years in Ukraine we will be up to western standards in our heating system. Thank you Lord for small steps and large, for your wonderful care for us. Help me to remember you are working in my soul and character each time we have troubles. May the difficulties bring me a grateful spirit. Amen.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Last Bud of Summer
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Circle Journal
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Felt Card Case
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Little Girls and Art
This is a cute vid I found on the internet. Just a delightful example of how we need to encourage children in the arts and self-expression. The lady who did it is an artist herself.
little girls changing the world from mccabe russell on Vimeo.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
"Smile Cards" for Ukraine

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Getting my Posts
Did you know that you can get a notice every time I write something on the blog? Just look down the right side for the FEEDJIT gadget and you can get notice in your email box so you don't have to go looking for this site. Then you can read it there in your inbox or go to the side from the notice. Also, if you go down further you can be a follower and I'd love it if you did both because then as a follower I can see your icon and know who you are. Hope you join me in these ways.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
2010 Life Path Challenge
We are about to soon turn the calendar over to a double digit,2010. No doubt the year will be historical in many ways, both nationally, worldwide and for each of us personally. Therefore, I am developing an idea that I think some of you might enjoy playing along with. It is a challenge to do a weekly question next year. This question can be interpreted in a number of ways. You can simply write about it or you can do a piece of artwork that represents the question. It is wide open as to how you interpret this challenge. The idea is to get you thinking and delving into questions of life that will bring the end of 2010 to a more satisfying conclusion and give you an opportunity to develop more creatively(if you want to) in the area of art, writing, poetry or ???. It will be totally personal and answers need not be shared with anyone though I envision us having a group Flickr site to post any artwork we do so we can share with one another. If you like this idea or would like to suggest a question, just post a comment below by hitting the "comment" button. Then stay in touch to see how this all develops. Should be fun.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Bucha, Ukraine Summer Camp Video
I am so excited that I just got hold of this video of our kid's camp to share with you. It was done by one of our talented church members, Edward Malashkin. I had left the church early today and then felt the urge to return so I could give out some books. It was then that I had a conversation with Edward and found out the video was on YouTube. I'm sure that was the real reason the Lord brought me back to the church. Please pray about the possibility of the church having it's own website (another topic we touched on). We are always grateful for your willingness to hold us and the church up in prayer.
Here's the link:
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I know you haven't seen much of me lately on here, but there has been so many exciting things going on that it's just hard to juggle it all. Tomorrow will be our 4th session of Sunday school(SS) . We are doing things a bit different this year. Each year SS has been rather demanding for my team and I. Therefore we are making changes. Actually, it started last year with all the older classes scrapbooking their SS year. This year they are already underway with their new books. Last week we scrapped in the pastor (and wife) along with the picture of the church. Now, what we are doing differently this year in the younger groups is supplying them with crafts for them to do instead of us coming in. Of course, that takes a lot of preplanning so we shall soon see which is the easier method. Since my team goes up and down with who helps, the new system should work better for the teachers since they will be more in control of when they do crafts whether we are there or not. I would certainly appreciate your prayers for my wisdom in how this all goes this year.
The other projects are a new website, new endeavor, being creative, a November women's conference (with prayer scrapbook) and much more. I will share more of it here as I can in the near future. May your day be bright and beautiful, filled with His joy.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
New Technology
Introducing Snap Shots from
I just installed a nice little tool on this site called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination site, interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles, MySpace profiles, IMDb profiles and Amazon products, display inline videos, RSS, MP3s, photos, stock charts and more.
Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you "look ahead," before deciding if you want to follow a link or not.
Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the Snap Shot and opt-out.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bucha, Ukraine

Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Times, They are a Changin' in Ukraine
This seems hard to believe, but, as I sit and type, I am in a McDonald's (fastfood) Restaurant in the capital city of Kiev. I am using their free-access wi-fi. Now, understand, if I were in America I would never be in a McD's as it would not be my place of choice for eating. On the other hand, here in Ukraine, there are some things we can count on with McD's. We know the menu, so selection is easy (I did say, not my choice??), the place is clean and service is fast. That is, after you stand in the long line of everyone else waiting to eat and all cashiers busy. And maybe most importantly, one can count on clean bathrooms, though you may well wait in line for that also. Did I say we've been here 15 years? I can remember when we lived in the little Crimean village of Nikolaieva after we first arrived. That was our first 3 1/2 ('94-'97) years in Ukraine. The day I saw that bright red and white Coca Cola truck come through I almost jumped up and down for joy. I know what most of you are thinking now.... she must be crazy about Coke. Well, on the contrary, I certainly am not, since I am much more conscious of good diet than that. What that Coke truck represented back then was a tie to our homeland. A tie to what was familiar, a tie to our culture.
Well, here I am doing wi-fi at McDonalds and I must admit that Coke trucks just don't do it for me anymore. Yes, things are a changin' in Ukraine. You should see some of our slick malls. They'd give fair competition to anything in America. Life certainly is interesting and it certainly is changin'.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The View from My Window
Our home is placed on the front part of our lot which makes it closer to the road than I often like. There are, though, some advantages, like a big back yard and easy view of what or who drives by. This morning I was pleased to see a couple in their horse-drawn wagon. Our dirt road runs parallel to a nearby highway so this couple we see now and then. It reminds me of the simpler life in Ukraine that is rapidly passing away. When we arrived 15 years ago, such sights were not at all uncommon. I remember one farmer bragging about his horse didn't need gasoline and it didn't break down. For some in the coutry villages though, life continues in a manner much like it was 50-75 years ago. They plant a garden in spring, they store and can their harvest in fall. Some raise a pig for meat in winter. Some have a cow for milk and/or chickens for eggs and eating. This life is more similar to life in America maybe 100 years ago or more. Some have jobs out, but others make their living from what they can raise and sell some on the side. It is an interesting life here in Ukraine. We are grateful God has given us a small part in bringing hope to people here through training Jeff does of pastors and my work with ladies and children. When joy comes into their lives, it is an exciting moment. Thank you for taking time to read what I write. May your day be blessed.
Mt. Ararat Seen from Yerevan, Armenia
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Red Day Lily

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tulip Vase
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Garden Visitor
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ukrainian Independance Day

Friday, August 21, 2009
Last Camp for the Summer
Sorry I have been so silent, but I have been doing kid's camp this week. It takes a lot out of me. In addition I've been doing it with quite a painful back, but pain meds help. We are in a little village west of Kiev called Gorenechi. Each child is crafting their own scrapbook of their camp experience. I keep thinking they will finish and we will do another craft, but they just want to keep working on their albums. Many are truly beautiful. I'll try to get some pictures on here later. Pray for a strong finish today, Friday.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
River Rock Path

Samson in the Garden

Friday, August 14, 2009
I Couldn't Resist!
This is something funny I ran across on the internet. Again another example of far-flung creativity. As ingenious as this is, it must be someone with a lot of spare time on their hands, which is not the case for me. Nonetheless, it is funny and worth the minute it takes to watch.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Jaime Jorge, Poltava, Ukraine

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