Hello Friends, Some changes on tap. This blog is being replaced with Vintage Terrace "2". You may find it on the right panel under "My Blog List." Those of you faithful followers can follow on that blog as this one will eventually be eliminated.
How can anyone not believe in a marvelous Creator when you see something like this. Could this possibly be random chance, evolution or big bang? I don't think so. My daughter sent this to me. Probably one of those things circulating on the internet, but it was too beautiful for me to pass up and not share with you. We need more beauty in our lives. Enjoy! Thank you, Sarah.
What's to say, I love life, I am thankful that God chose me to be one of His children. As I can share that and my passion for creative expression I feel like I have it all. I have a loving supportive husband, two beautiful daughters, a great extended family, friends, what more could a gal want. I am truly blessed.
That's gorgeous, I love all the different things nature provides for us to admire